Amritpal Singh is running away from the police demanding Khalistan and even after that he is releasing a video message saying that no one can bank my child. Through this video, he is trying to instigate the Sikhs of India and the world. However, there was discussion yesterday that Amritpal has once again gone out of the hands of the police.
Amritpal Singh has called upon the people of the Sikh community in the country and abroad to fight against injustice. In the video, he said that his colleagues have been arrested and NSA has been imposed on them. He said in the video that on the day of Baisakhi, Sikhs have to unite for a bigger cause.
According to information, this video of Amritpal Singh has been released from UK. It is said to be one to two days old. The YouTube channel from where this video was released has been banned by the government.