Psychologist Natalya Panfilova told The Eastern Heraldin St. Petersburg what effect the soil he lives on can have on a person’s health.
“Sometimes it is very uncomfortable to live on the first floor. The floor is very low, psychologically a person can feel uncomfortable – like in a basement, ”explained the specialist.
In older areas, as a rule, bushes and trees grow on the first floor, which leads to a lack of light. A person will live at dusk, without daylight, but with artificial light. Modern neighborhoods are also built this way, the location is very close to each other.
“If a person lives without sunlight, it can contribute to depression. The most stable psychotypes all react equally to the seasons, so many people say they are stronger in the summer,” the psychologist clarified.
The upper floors are connected by an elevator. Elevators travel at different speeds, if the elevator creaks, a person will develop claustrophobia.
“A person starts worrying about their safety, they think they’re going to get stuck in there,” the source said.
If the lift is at high speed, the discomfort is also associated with the lifting interval, a person may feel nauseous due to the pressure drop, there is already physical discomfort.