The world could split into two main power blocs: the US and the EU, as well as China and Russia.
This forecast was voiced by IMF experts, according to the DEITA.RU news agency with reference to Vedomosti.
In their new report, the experts do not rule out a scenario in which all trade between the two main poles ceases. If this happens, then, as analysts believe, it will lead to very serious consequences.
In particular, as experts have calculated, as a result of such a split, global GDP could fall by more than 2%. In addition, developing countries and small countries will suffer a lot, which will become the collateral victims of bloc-to-bloc sanctions.
In them, the economy can collapse by 10%. At the same time, in the power poles themselves, GDP could fall by around 4%. The period of declining economic indicators around the world could stretch for a decade, causing an extremely protracted crisis, experts say
See also: The elite predicts a new catastrophe to replace the pandemic.