The Ministry of Commerce and Industry clarified the difference between a violation and an administrative closure, according to Law No. 8 of 2008 regarding consumer protection in accordance with the latest amendments, Article (18 – bis) amended by Law 7/2018 (added by Decree Law 14/2011).
The ministry said on its Twitter account that in the violation, the Ministry of Commerce is not entitled to announce the name of the violator, but in the event of an administrative closure, it is entitled to do so.
The closure decision is also issued against any violator based on criteria approved by the Ministry, including:
– If the violation has direct harm to the health of the consumer – Repeating the same violation – Seizing large quantities of the violating goods
The ministry indicated that the violation takes place during inspection campaigns and upon receiving a number of complaints.
With regard to the procedures for the violation, the Ministry clarified that they are: – Reconciliation between the violator and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry – Referral to the security authorities