In the Orange House, they thought about how to solve the problem of stagnant and useless cars on the streets of the city.
For years, many residents have watched from the windows of their homes as the waste rots nearby. Periodically, complaints about this anarchy are received by the administration of the regional center, and now, finally, the officials have matured – we must fight this rot. It also interferes with utilities – to clear snow and road debris.
So far there are only solutions in case the car has an owner or the car is recognized as abandoned. In this case, rotten waste is disposed of at the expense of the owner or the state, respectively. But these rules need to be better thought out so that no one can accuse the town hall of theft.
Now lawyers need to draw up a document that will provide a solution to all possible situations.
If everything works, the new mechanism will work like this: a letter will be sent to the owner of the car junk, after which he will take his car to another location. But in practice, the owner may, for example, be deceased. Or they just won’t find it. In this case, the notice will be stuck directly on the car.
If this does not help, a specially created commission will decide the further fate of this or that “rotten”. As an option, it will be transported to a temporary parking lot and recognized by the court as without an owner. And then they sell it for scrap.
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