In the Lipetsk region, changes were made to the law “On the procedure for management and disposal of state property”. They offer the possibility of renting for a year cultural heritage sites in the region that require restoration. The cost is one ruble.
The list of objects may include: “Residential building” of the mid-18th century in Yelets (Profsoyuznaya Street, 34) and “Real estate complex” of the 19th century (village of Chernyshovka, Yelets district). They are objects of cultural heritage of regional significance.
The terms of the program are as follows:
– work must be carried out to preserve the object within seven years (two years for the preparation of the project, five years for the works);
– during the first seven years, the tenant pays rent, the amount of which is determined by the auction;
– after approval of the acceptance of works, the tenant receives the right to request the establishment of a minimum rental rate (one ruble per monument).