On Friday, April 7, in the village of Grigorovo, on Tsentralnaya Street, traffic police officers stopped a Volkswagen Polo car driven by a drunken 42-year-old man. There was a child in the car with him.
The driver agreed to undergo a medical examination for intoxication.
According to the test results, the man was diagnosed with a state of alcohol intoxication of 1.172 mg/l in exhaled air, while the permissible alcohol level is 0.16 mg/l in air expired.
Being in a state of severe alcohol intoxication, the man took his little child to kindergarten. This was reported in the press service of the traffic police department “Novgorod”.
Earlier, The Eastern Herald in Veliky Novgorod reported that in Demyansk a pedestrian got under the wheels of an independently moving truck.