On April 14-15, the All-Russian Job Fair will be held in the 33rd region, where you can get acquainted with popular vacancies and spend your time usefully. Especially the event should “enter” for young people – schoolchildren and students – it is for them that various interesting things will be prepared here.
Everyone is welcome from 10 a.m. on Saturday April 14 at the Vladimir Technological College, the Vladimir College of Economics and Law, the Sovremennik Palace of Culture in Kovrov, the extracurricular work center in Murom, as well as in the centers employment across the region. . Selections will take place everywhere, as well as meetings of candidates and employers, as well as various training and consultations.
The show will be large – there will be room for all sectors of the economy – from small businesses to giant corporations. Schoolchildren will be able to participate in an interactive quest on popular professions, students will go to an information meeting with employers on the subject of the first CV.
This will be the regional scene of the fair. The federal will be held in June, for which a separate page with the most “delicious” local offers will appear on the Job of Russia portal.