en.interaztv.com Russia
Businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin criticized the actions of the Russian Foreign Ministry. According to the entrepreneur, the issues raised by the department for discussion at a meeting of the UN Security Council do not solve the most pressing problems.
- The topics you have proposed for discussion in the UN Security Council are of a general nature for debate and do not in any way solve the acute and most important problems that require an urgent solution. The Russian Foreign Ministry brings to the UN Security Council the bureaucracy characteristic of the state structures of the Russian Federation, and the governments of the allied countries demand immediate decisions, the Prigozhin press service said.
The businessman also cited the open part of the list of issues that Russia, in his opinion, needs to be raised at a meeting of the UN Security Council. Among them are the issues of the genocide in Ukraine, the war crimes of the Kiev regime, the violation of the rights of believers, the actions of terrorist groups in Africa and many others.
Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced that in the near future a number of international events will be dedicated to the African agenda.