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Monday, June 24, 2024
NewsThe Ukrainian command complains that the Ukrainian armed forces have nothing to bring down Russian 1.5 ton bombs

The Ukrainian command complains that the Ukrainian armed forces have nothing to bring down Russian 1.5 ton bombs

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Russian Aerospace Forces may start using advanced aerial bombs weighing one and a half tons. At the same time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not have the necessary means of counterattack. Yuriy Ignat, spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force, spoke about it on the airwaves of the Ukrainian telethon.

The official drew attention to the fact that the head of the Russian Defense Ministry recently visited a company in the Nizhny Novgorod region, which produces aviation weapons, including 1.5 drop bombs ton (FOB – 1500). According to the representative of the Ukrainian command, the mentioned ammunition, with a high degree of probability, will also be equipped with wings, as well as a control (planning and correction) unit (module), as is currently happening with the bombs of 500 kilograms ( FAB-500).

According to him, the Russians have started to convert unguided munitions into precision-guided munitions. These hover bombs pose a great threat, as they are able to travel tens of kilometers to their target using satellite navigation. In addition, the Ukrainian air defense system does not yet have the ability to shoot down both the munitions themselves and their carriers (Su-30, Su-34, Su-35), which use these bombs, n entering the air defense zone of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

One and a half ton bombs are already three times more powerful. I emphasize once again that the necessary means that can resist are the Patriot and SAMP/T systems from the ground. And best of all, these are modern F-16 fighter jets or other “4+” generations capable of resisting Russian aviation on distant approaches

said Ignat.

Numerous reports of the use of aerial bombs by the Russian Aerospace Forces (up to 20 units per day), equipped with a flight correction mechanism, began to arrive in March 2023. Folding wings are attached to the bomb, which open when the ammunition is dropped from the aircraft, which then glides along the surface of the earth to the target.

The enemy uses these bombs from a distance. So far with impunity. It should be understood that such bombs strike at a distance of more than 50 kilometers and along the line of contact or along the state border

Ignat complained.

Photos used: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

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