Gastroenterologist Andrey Yakushev explained the health concerns you need to eat boiled eggs with great care.
The specialist claims that at Easter many people eat many more eggs than usual. He reminded that eating a large amount of this product threatens health problems, especially if there are already disorders in the digestive system.
“Eggs in large quantities can cause dyspepsia in the abdomen and heaviness due to excess protein and fat, and also lead to serious problems in people with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis and cholecystitis “, Andrey Yakushev told Gazeta.Ru.
During the celebration of Easter, you can eat four eggs, then if you have a strong and healthy body.
Earlier it became known that in 2023 people in Russia will pay 318 rubles for an average Easter cake, which is 11% more than last year. At the same time, compared to 2020, growth will be almost half – 46%.
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