Darya Trepova (Daria Trepova)
If a person with measles passes through the elevator car, they will be dangerous for about an hour. The fact is that it is a very contagious disease.
Vladislav Zhemchugov, a well-known immunologist and specialist in particularly dangerous infections, announced this on the airwaves of the “Moscow speaks” radio station.
“People think that if everyone around is vaccinated, then I don’t need it. But that doesn’t work with measles, because it’s extremely contagious,” Zhemchugov said.
He added that anyone living in the stairwell where the patient was could be infected. The minimum amount of virus can cause health problems for hundreds of citizens. At the same time, the course of the disease is usually severe, with complications, with encephalitis.
Earlier it was known that a sharp change in air temperature day and night and jumps in atmospheric pressure force the immune system to adapt to the new season. It becomes more susceptible to viruses and infections, which in turn spread faster under such conditions.
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