On Sunday, April 16, at Easter in Voronezh, several changes will take place on the roads of Voronezh: bus lines to city cemeteries will be organized, the street will be blocked from traffic, and parking near cemeteries will be prohibited.
As part of the events dedicated to the Holy Resurrection of Christ, from 22:00 on April 15 to 05:00 on April 16, traffic will be closed along Liberation Labor Street – from Sacco and Vanzetti Street to Proletarskaya Street.
From 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on April 16, parking will be limited and traffic will be closed at the entrance to the Rive Gauche, Lesnoy, Kominternovsky, Rive Droite, Sud-Ouest and Nikolsky cemeteries. Restriction schemes are displayed here.
To visit the cemeteries, special routes will be organized, which will operate on April 16 from 08:00 to 15:00. Buses will go in the following directions:
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