Technological re-equipment and the purchase of new equipment await the military enlistment offices of the Pskov region. Governor Mikhail Vedernikov announced this in his weekly speech.
He noted that the new amendments to the legislation, adopted by the State Duma, are aimed at modernizing military registration and enlistment offices.
The head of the region recalled that last week he visited the military registration and enlistment office in Ostrov. He called this military registration and enlistment office one of the best and most efficient. “On the spot, they discussed and drew up a list of the necessary equipment for high-quality registration, selection and dispatch of candidates for military service,” summarized the head of the region.
Following the example of the Ostrov military registration and enlistment office, the government of the Pskov region has compiled a list of equipment necessary to equip military registration and enlistment offices. It will be computers, laptops, MFPs and other equipment that will allow you to move to a qualitatively new level of work.
“We will buy everything we need. The task is fundamentally important, so we pay special attention to it, ”concluded Mikhail Vedernikov.
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