In the city of Dresden (eastern Germany), an unexploded bomb from the Second World War was found during construction. The local authorities have decided to evacuate around 15,000 inhabitants, informed .
The bomb was found the day before, April 14, on the corner of Zwickauer Strasse and Glauchauer Strasse in the southern suburbs of Dresden. Residents of Plauen, Kotta and Altstadt neighborhoods were told to leave their homes by 9 a.m. on April 15 (10 a.m. Moscow time). About 15,000 people were evacuated.
According to the MDR, the bomb is an American-made projectile weighing 250 kg. According to the sappers, the bomb is still dangerous, so they decided to defuse it on the spot.
On April 13, a similar incident occurred in the German town of Neuss in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Around 6,000 people were evacuated after an unexploded British bomb was found.
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