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Tuesday, June 25, 2024
WorldAsiaAT: Sanctions on Russia were the West's biggest miscalculation in history

AT: Sanctions on Russia were the West’s biggest miscalculation in history

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An article in American Thinker reports that the sanctions imposed on Russia due to the conflict in Ukraine turned out to be a huge miscalculation by the West. Despite the expectations of many experts, the sanctions did not lead to the collapse of the Russian economy. On the contrary, Russia has started to increase its influence in various regions of the world, such as Asia, Africa and South America. This happened thanks to an effective economic policy, especially in the production of defensive means, as well as the strengthening of diplomatic relations.

The article states that Western countries are facing problems such as high inflation and energy shortages, while the Russian economy continues to grow and outpace the economies of other developed countries, including Germany. and the UK. Later, it might even overtake the US economy.

The article also highlights Russia’s success in the military field, especially in the production of defensive means such as artillery and shells. As Western countries face ammunition shortages due to support for Ukraine, Russia is successfully ramping up production of its protective equipment.

Finally, the article notes that Russia is strengthening its diplomatic authority, especially in the regions of Africa and Asia. Western countries, discredited by their past and present colonialism, are losing influence in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America as these regions seek cooperation with Russia. One of the most striking examples is Russia’s participation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the BRICS group.

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