Lucknow. Samajwadi Party MP Ram Gopal Yadav claimed that Atiq and Ashraf, who were killed in police custody in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, termed it a premeditated murder. Talking to reporters here in Saifai, Prof. Yadav said on Sunday that Atiq and his brother Ashraf were handcuffed by the police. This is a planned murder. If the investigating agency is correct, big people will get trapped in it. Citing the statement of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, he said that the CM had said in the House that he will mix in the soil, so nothing is going to happen to the people who killed Atiq.
Chief Minister’s decree “Mildenge in the soil” Atiq Ahmed’s petition in the Supreme Court- Demand for security due to the possibility of murder in police custody- No relief. Then fake encounters and planned killings in the circle of the police are bound to happen. No wonder That Atiq’s remaining sons should also be killed!
— prof ram gopal yadav (@proframgopalya1) April 16, 2023
He said that what is happening in Uttar Pradesh has never happened before in history. It is the way to end democracy. Earlier this used to happen in the monarchy. Atiq was killed because of the media trial. Atiq has not been convicted in any of the cases. Such people are also sitting on important positions, who had killed people by throwing bombs. No one tells him that he is a gangster.
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Pro. Yadav said that the people of Allahabad say that Atiq has five children. One has been killed in it, the remaining four remaining boys. They will also be killed on one pretext or the other. People can do anything to win elections even if the country is ruined.
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The SP Chief General Secretary said that he had said earlier also that Atiq’s son could be killed. This thing turned out to be true. His fake encounter was done. Atiq himself had written a writ in the Supreme Court that I should be given security. No country in the history of democracy has been murdered like this in police custody. This is murder of democracy.
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