According to the folk calendar, April 18 is the day of Fedulus Vetrenik, the Orthodox Church remembers the martyrs – Deacon Agathopod and Reader Theodulus. The saints lived in the city of Thessalonica at the turn of the third and fourth centuries, were in the same church parish and preached Christianity. During the period of persecution which began, Agathopod and Theodulus continued to preach fearlessly, for which they were captured and brought to justice. Despite the sovereign’s persuasion, both did not agree, on pain of torment and death, to pass to paganism.
What you should not do:
It is impossible to clean the house on the day of Fedul Vetrenik. It is impossible on the day of Fedul Vetrenik to spit out the window, as well as to throw garbage, cigarette butts out of it, because in this way you can get into the angel of the Lord, who today looks at everyone world out the window. You cannot keep the windows closed. They should be opened as wide as possible so that a draft passes through the rooms and drives out all the ailments and troubles in the house. You cannot let the cat go in and out of the house through the window. According to the brand, anyone who breaks this ban will soon be robbed. You can not keep the windows dirty, they must be thoroughly washed, then warmth and love will settle in the house. You cannot walk against the wind – according to a sign, you will face problems in the future. Fishermen are not allowed to go to sea. On April 18 there is a struggle between two winds – good and evil, during which they can sink the ship.
Warm during the day and cool at night – for stable beautiful weather. In the field, the sound is heard distinctly – in the rain. Capercaillie lek on a bad morning – to make the weather better, and to be quiet – to get worse. Fedul came – a hot wind blew, opened the window, heated the hut without firewood. There was snow the size of a cow in the ravine – time to plow. Today, a warm spring sets in, alternating with bad weather. It is usually hot that day.
Name days: Mark, Plato, Samson, Semyon, Theodora.
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