Onions perfectly complement many dishes, giving them zest and an exquisite aroma.
Raw, this vegetable is renowned for its bitterness. Therefore, for the taste to be at its best, the onion is pre-marinated and then added to salads or sandwiches.
There is a very simple recipe for pickling onions. No bitterness and unnecessary actions – only the most common ingredients and amazing taste.
Some products:
onions – 2-3 onions; salt – ½ tsp; boiling water – 1 cup; apple cider vinegar – 1 tbsp. I.; sugar – 1 tbsp.
How to prepare
- The bulbs are freed from the husk, then the vegetable is cut into thin circles.
- Next, put the onion in a deep container and add salt, sugar and vinegar. All ingredients are carefully mixed.
- Then the onion is poured with boiling water and left until the marinade cools completely. Then put the onion rings in a colander to drain the excess liquid.
- Pickled onions. The rings can be added to sandwiches, burgers, salads or any other dish.
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