The solemn ceremony took place within the framework of the 120th anniversary of the birth of the Hero of the Soviet Union, which will be celebrated next year, and the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region has launched the installation of the monument, BelTA informs .
The fact is that news portals report that, despite the fact that in Belarus many settlements bear the name of the famous balloonist, films have been made and books have been written in his honor, there is no yet had a memorial in Minsk to the memory of the intrepid test pilot.
Addressing the audience, Gleb Nikitin, the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, expressed particular satisfaction that “the Russian delegation was present at the inauguration of the monument to his compatriot”. He clarified that the famous pilot was from a small village, which turned into a city and today bears his name – Chkalovsk.
Valery Chkalov, the Russian governor recalled, became a pilot at a time when flying in an airplane resembled orbital flights. “Constant discoveries, recordings and testing of what a machine and a person can be capable of. And his flight over the North Pole to Vancouver was over three days and, in fact, in a cold car and unheated, it was like flying in space, “- said Nikitin.
He said he had visited the Chkalovsk Museum several times, where there is a real ANT-25 aircraft, on which this fearless jet across the ocean was made. The governor expressed the hope that thanks to the recent decision to open direct regular flights between Minsk and Nizhny Novgorod, schoolchildren will be able to visit Chkalovsk, visit the museum and learn about the biography of a historical figure.
By the way, one of the streets in the Oktyabrsky district of the Belarusian capital, the agency explains, which is also called the air gate of the city, is named after Valery Chkalov. Formerly this street with the symbolic name linked Minsk to the Minsk-1 airport. And today, a few streets away, at secondary school No. 226, the first bell in which rang in September of last year, and on April 18, a monument bust in honor of the hero of the USSR Valery Chkalov was inaugurated.
Works at the school and the recently created museum exhibition devoted to civil aviation. “We are opening a monument to a man who became the era of aviation development, who in the 1930s was a symbol for people who came to aviation. On the example of Chkalov, they learned to fly, they wanted to be like him , they did a lot for the development of aviation. And, of course, they became the defenders of their motherland during the Great Patriotic War, ”said the mayor of the capital, Vladimir Kukharev.
The great-grandson of the Hero of the USSR Igor Chkalov was also present at the opening ceremony of the monument. The young man stressed the importance of preserving historical memory. “The example of heroes should motivate and inspire young people every day. After all, heroes are not born – heroes become. I would like this monument to help guys become heroes in their lives,” Igor Chkalov wished the boys and girls.
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