New Delhi. The court has once again extended the custody of former Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia, who is in jail in the liquor policy case. Manish will now be in ED custody till April 27 and CBI custody till April 29. The court also sent two other accused, Arun Ramachandra Pillai and Amandeep Dhall, arrested in the case, to ED custody till April 29.
Let us inform that in the case of liquor policy, ED is probing the money laundering case. At the same time, CBI is investigating the case of irregularities. Sisodia’s custody in both the cases was ending today. At the same time, the CBI had registered a case on August 17, 2022 regarding irregularities in the Delhi Liquor Policy case. In this case, former Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia was arrested first by the CBI and then by the ED. He is currently in ED custody. His bail will be heard on April 18.
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Let us tell you that former Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia is in the custody of ED in the money laundering case. On March 1, ED arrested businessman Amandeep Singh Dhal in connection with money laundering in liquor policy case. After questioning Amandeep, the agency arrested another businessman, Arun Ramachandra Pillai, on March 6.
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After this, ED reached Tihar Jail with both the accused and started questioning Manish Sisodia in the money laundering case. On March 9, the agency arrested Sisodia from jail itself. At the same time, according to reports, the ED team had reached Tihar along with two other accused arrested in this case. The ED had told that a bribe of 100 crores was taken from the traders of South Delhi in making the new liquor policy.
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