As part of the 54th extraordinary meeting of the Don parliament, the deputies adopted a law on the creation of sobering-up stations in the Rostov region. These specialized institutions will be controlled by the regional Ministry of Health. The law will come into force on June 1, 2024.
- We have passed a special law so that the regional Ministry of Health can exercise this authority in the program of creating sobering-up medical stations in the Rostov region, – said Alexander Ishchenko, speaker of the Don parliament.
In addition, in the framework of the extraordinary meeting, the issue of amendments to the Law “On Citizens’ Appeals” regarding the strengthening of social guarantees for SVO participants and their families was raised. According to the amendments made by the deputies of the Don, the participants of the special operation and their families will be entitled to an extraordinary personal welcome in the state authorities and local governments.
Another important issue was the awarding of the honorary title of the Russian Federation “City of Labor Valor” to Shakhty. Alexander Ishchenko noted that the worker from the mining town deserved to have such an honorary title. The deputies of the Don supported the idea and adopted a resolution on the preparation of such a petition addressed to the head of state.
We touched on the issue of gasification of the inhabitants of the Rostov region. In November last year, educational and medical organizations were included in the social gasification program. Don parliamentarians have suggested that other social amenities be included in the social gasification program.
“So far, cultural and sports institutions, modular social facilities remain outside the scope of this program,” said Alexander Ishchenko. — We have quite a few facilities that we believe should be gasified.
Deputies of the Don parliament sent an appeal to the Government of the Russian Federation with a request to expand the program of social gasification, including objects of culture, physical culture and sports.
Deputies from the Don sent another appeal to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation on the need to increase the efficiency of collecting alimony. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov region are concerned about the low efficiency of existing methods of collecting alimony from debtors. For example, this happens when the debtor does not register the property for himself so as not to pay alimony. Deputies of the Don demand to solve this problem at the federal level and offer to check the availability of such property through relevant applications to the registry office, traffic police, tax authorities, Rosreestr authorities, etc And in the event that the debtor has such property, establish a mechanism for the seizure of such property in favor of minor beneficiaries of the debtor’s alimony.
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