New Delhi. Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan’s film ‘Pathan’ rocked the box office. The film not only earned a lot at the Indian box office but also performed tremendously at the world wide box office. If we talk about the total earnings of the film, then the film collected Rs 1050.3 crore from the worldwide box office. Let me tell you, Shah Rukh Khan did not take even a single penny for acting in this film. But, still Shahrukh Khan got a profit of Rs 200 crores.
How was the earning? Actually, according to the report of Bollywood Hungama, ‘Pathan’ was made on a budget of Rs 270 crore. After giving everyone their money, the production company Yash Raj Films earned a total of Rs 333 crore. Now Shah Rukh Khan had asked the makers for a total of 60 percent of the film’s earnings without taking the regular fees. In such a situation, about 200 crore rupees came in the hands of Shahrukh Khan.
Shahrukh Khan is going to be seen in these films Let me tell you, after ‘Pathan’, now Shah Rukh Khan is going to be seen in ‘Jawan’ soon. The film will hit the theaters on June 2 this year. After this Shah Rukh Khan will be seen in ‘Tiger 3’ and ‘Dankey’. Let me tell you, both the films are going to release in the month of December.
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