The Orthodox remember two saints on this day: the Archbishop of Constantinople Eutyches and the martyr Jeremiah. People called April 19 thus: Eutychius the Calm and Yerema the Flying. And they said: “If Eutychius is calm – to the harvest of early bread. If Yerema beats with the wind, the ear will be knocked down.”
If a girl dresses in dark clothes on Eutychius, she will not see her betrothed for three springs. So, great-grandmothers said and recommended on April 19 to wear light-colored clothes. If this is not possible, you need to put a silver coin in your pocket – this will help to ward off the negative.
On this Wednesday, there is no need to be lazy, stay in bed and procrastinate. According to some beliefs, it is necessary to work as hard as possible on Eutyches the Pacific – then the whole year will be successful. According to others, if on April 19 parents rock and wallow on the sofa for a long time, their children will grow up capricious and naughty.
On April 19, it is better to avoid hollow conversations, frank conversations with strangers and trips to visit unpleasant personalities. The people warned: you can ruin your destiny and frighten your fortune.
Partly for the same reason, you shouldn’t move on April 19, quit or, conversely, find a new job. Change can be fatal.
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