Photo: MVD.RF Moscow
In Moscow, police cordoned off the SDEK office on Startovaya Street. This happened because of the new figurine in the package, similar to the one that Daria Trepova (Darya Trepova) gave to the military commander Vladlen Tatarsky.
According to the Shot telegram channel, the police are checking the figurine that arrived at the SDEK post office on Startovaya Street. Presumably, the bust of a serviceman is similar to the figure given to Vladlen Tatarsky and sent to military experts in Moscow.
“Emergency services are on scene at the moment,” the source said.
Earlier, political scientist Konstantin Sivkov told police that plaster figures were sent to him, his acquaintance publicist Vladislav Shurygin. These figurines were made by an unknown sculptor from Ulyanovsk.
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