Photo: AP Russia
Refugees from Ukraine in Pyatigorsk staged a stabbing attack at a temporary accommodation center for migrants. The Ukrainians were intoxicated, reports the Telegram channel “Attention, news”.
A group of men drank alcohol in a temporary accommodation center for migrants on the territory of one of the city’s public service centers. At one time, an internal conflict ensued between Ukrainian citizens.
As a result of the conflict, a 60-year-old resident of Mariupol took out a clerical knife and began beating his opponent. The 44-year-old Ukrainian didn’t lose his head and rushed at the aggressor with punches.
As a result, a citizen of Ukraine who attacked with a knife received injuries in the form of a broken nose, a craniocerebral injury and numerous cuts. His opponent was arrested for disorderly conduct. Now law enforcement officers are planning to initiate criminal proceedings against Ukrainian refugees.
Earlier, the “regional leader” reported that the citizens of the Netherlands were making fun of Ukrainian refugees. Temporary migrants from Ukraine have singled out one of the European states where they are not particularly welcome.
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