The Chief Minister of the state along with family and party leaders had also reached to watch the IPL match played at Jaipur’s SMS Stadium on Wednesday. Here he had come to enjoy the match and something happened in front of him that he could not live without smiling. By the way, if there was any other leader in his place, he might have got angry too.
According to the information, when Gehlot reached the stadium, he was greeting the audience present there by shaking hands. Only then the supporters of PM Narendra Modi started raising slogans of Modi-Modi in the stadium. Seeing him doing this, CM Gehlot also started smiling.
Let us tell you that recently PM Narendra Modi and CM Gehlot got a chance to face each other. Where PM Modi praised the CM of Rajasthan. Along with this, while addressing the program, the word ‘my friend’ was used for Ashok Gehlot.
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