In the village of Roshchino, Vyborgsky district, Leningrad region, a man found several vials 10 centimeters high on the territory of his site, on which was the inscription “Radioactive Cobalt – 60”. A mobile laboratory went to the place where the maximum admissible concentrations of radioactive substances were exceeded.
“A mobile radiochemical laboratory of the Leningrad region emergency rescue service was sent to the scene to take samples,” the regional administration’s press service told TASS.
It is worth noting that the workers of the chemical and technological laboratory did not find any deviations from the norm, the indicators were in the natural background.
Previously, Russian geologists extracted rock samples of cobalt, nickel, manganese, copper and iron from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. These minerals are ten times richer than the elements found on earth. In addition, in these rocks there are almost no harmful impurities or waste rock dumps.
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