“Stupidity, of course, is impossible. It can only be missed out of complete ignorance and inhuman malice. Or on purpose,” the diplomat commented on the singer’s comments on her Telegram channel. Zakharova noted that “people who demolish monuments, especially those erected in honor of those who gave their lives for others, seeing in them no artistic value or denying themselves memory, have always been called barbarians”. Vaikule’s outrageous statements about the Monument to the Soldiers of the Soviet Army – the Liberators of Soviet Latvia and Riga only emphasize the “completely atrophied artistic taste” of the artist, says the diplomat.
Earlier Vaikule, who stopped performing concerts in Russia after SVO started in February last year, said she ‘doesn’t understand people who want to bow to a monument to a soldier’ . “What is the monument for? I don’t understand. It has no artistic value,” Vaikule says on his YouTube channel. Besides. The singer believes that Russia has “privatized” Victory Day and the Russian language. “It’s not your language, it belongs to the whole world!” – says the artist.
Vaikule’s rude statements caused a new wave of criticism against the artist.
Russian State Duma Deputy Elena Drapeko, in an interview with RT, suggested “erasing Laima Vaikule from our memory.” “We believe that monuments to soldiers are sacred. And we will protect them as much as possible,” Drapeko said.
The public movement “Call of the People”, in turn, sent an appeal to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin with a request for verification of the artist’s statements about Victory Day under the article “Rehabilitation from Nazism”. Also, social activists demanded that the singer be banned from entering Russia.
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