The Delhi Police has sought a report from the probe committee set up by the Sports Ministry to look into allegations of sexual harassment against Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. A senior official gave this information on Monday. The official said that so far seven complaints have been received against the WFI president and all of them are being probed.
He said that an FIR would be registered only after getting concrete evidence. “As part of the probe, we have sought a report from the inquiry committee set up by the Sports Ministry to look into the allegations of sexual harassment leveled against the WFI chief,” he said.
Several of the country’s national award-winning wrestlers are protesting at Jantar Mantar, demanding that the findings of the monitoring committee probing the allegations of sexual harassment against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh be made public.
Union Sports Minister Anurag Thakur had announced a five-member monitoring committee headed by veteran boxer MC Mary Kom to probe the allegations against Singh.
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