Inflation relief camps have started in Rajasthan. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot started it from Mahapura in Jaipur. Along with this, CM Gehlot himself reached Bhankrota and handed over gas cylinders from the gas agency to the beneficiaries under the Mukhya Mantri Gas Cylinder Yojana.
At the same time, in many districts of the state, the claims of complete preparation of the officials along with the cities and inflation relief camps on the very first day were exposed. At many places the officials reached till 11 o’clock. The people standing there in the sun are upset. At some places the employees did not get the facility of net and at some places water.
On the other hand, in Ajmer, MLA Anita Bhadel said that the Congress government has wasted crores of rupees by setting up camps six months before the elections. This is not a relief camp. This is just a propaganda camp of the Congress.
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