Former Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia’s troubles are increasing even more now. CBI has filed supplementary charge sheet in Delhi’s Liquor Policy case in Rouse Avenue Court. It is being told that former Deputy CM Manish Sisodia, Buchi Babu, Arjun Pandey and Amandeep Dhall have been made accused in this.
For information, let us tell you that earlier Sisodia’s name was not there in any charge sheet. Now after Sisodia’s name comes up, it is certain that his difficulties will increase. The court has fixed the date of May 12 for arguments on the points of the charge sheet. The CBI is probing the alleged irregularities in the liquor policy.
Under this investigation, the CBI arrested former Delhi Deputy CM Sisodia on 26 February. Since then Sisodia is in jail. In this case, the ED is also questioning Sisodia regarding the money laundering case related to the excise policy.
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