– Inspection without attachments, reports and minutes, – writing Telegram channel “Pool of the First”. – Lukashenka – in his homeland, where he inspected oat and pea crops in the fields of the Vitebsk region, as well as the presidential experimental field in the Mogilev region, where barley was sown in the season last.
As previously reported, the Head of State has asked farmers to change the crop structure with an emphasis on winter barley.
The reason for this decision was the earlier ripening of this crop, which also differs in yield.
By the way, last season the conclusions of the Belarusian leader after the experiment boiled down to the fact that “winter barley is a miracle.” The president explained his impression by the fact that for the third time he went through the process of sowing.
– I looked when there were shoots, and now when filling the grain. I am definitely convinced that there will be winter barley, Lukashenko decided.
This year the experiment continues with other cultures. Lupins and peas are grown on presidential fields. However, not everywhere Lukashenko, apparently, was satisfied with what he saw.
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