internet desk, There is still 6 months left for the assembly elections in Rajasthan and before that the political parties have already entered the election phase. There has always been a spat of statements between State Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot and Union Minister Gajendra Singh. In such a situation, Gajendra Singh once again targeted Gehlot and called him the Ravana of politics.
After this statement of Gajendra Singh, he is being condemned all around, he has given a controversial statement on the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Gajendra Singh Shekhawat compared CM Gehlot to Ravana of politics. Let us tell you that the Union Minister was addressing BJP’s rally in Chittorgarh on Thursday.
It is here that he said that for the establishment of Ram Rajya, Ravan Ashok Gehlot of politics will have to be bid farewell. After this statement, Chief Minister Gehlot also retaliated. He said that this is not the case of Ram and Ravana. I am ready to call Gajendra Singh Ram provided the Union Minister behaves like Ram. Gajendra Singh, showing honesty, return the money of the poor.
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