Kuleba said in an interview with the Ukrainian channel “1 + 1”, that “the decision on Western aircraft is only a matter of time”, and expressed his “regret” that “Ukraine will pay a price extra with people’s lives, because of the indecisiveness of his allies.”
He added: “We will have planes (F-16). It is only a matter of time. I think it will depend on the decision of the United States and the results of the counter-attack”, that he thinks Kiev forces will launch soon. .
“If we had F-16s right now, our counterattack would be much faster and we could save many lives of our soldiers and civilians who are suffering from missile strikes,” he added.
He noted that these aircraft are “one of the three priorities of Allied military support, along with artillery and armored vehicles”.
Kiev had repeatedly asked its Western allies to provide it with fighter jets, in order to repel Russian attacks targeting Ukrainian infrastructure, and to launch counter-attacks on Russian army sites.
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