Speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin in his Telegram channel wrote that the terrorist act against the President is an attack on Russia, so the Kiev regime must be recognized as a terrorist organization.
According to Volodin, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, when giving orders to carry out terrorist attacks, stood on a par with international terrorists. His criminal methods are obvious to the whole world: nuclear blackmail, assassinations of political and public figures, sabotage, and now the assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin.
“The Kiev terrorist regime, having seized an entire state, threatens the security of Russia, Europe, the whole world,” Volodin wrote.
He also added that Western politicians must understand that pumping Zelenskyy with weapons is not only sponsorship, but also direct complicity in terrorist activities.
In conclusion, the speaker of the State Duma wrote that there could be no negotiations with the Zelenskyy regime, so he and other deputies would demand the use of such weapons that “are capable of stopping and destroying the Kiev terrorist regime.”
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