Internet Desk. Everyone likes sweet food and when some guests are going to come to your house and it is being prepared for them, then what to say about it. In such a situation, today we have brought for you the recipe of making milk cake, which you will definitely like.
3 liters of milk, 2 pinches of alum, ground 3 cups of sugar, 3 tbsp of ghee
You have to heat milk in a big pan and when it comes to a boil, add alum to it, adding alum will curdle the milk. Now you have to cook the milk while stirring till it thickens. When the milk becomes thick, add sugar to it, after 10 minutes add ghee to it.
Cook this mixture while stirring until it becomes thick and its color does not change. Now you have to stir this mixture until its color changes. After this you have to take it out in a deep bottom plate and keep it to cool down. After this you can cut it and feed it to the guests.
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