Victory Day is a great sacred holiday, writing Telegram channel politician. We will never forget what Victory cost – more than 27 million dead, Volodin noted. He added that Victory Day unites Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Armenians and other peoples of the Soviet Union, who side by side defended the world against fascism.
This haunts Washington and Brussels, who are trying to erase historical memory by replacing Victory Day with a “Europe Day” for Ukrainian citizens. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy committed an ignoble act towards those who gave their lives for the liberation of the world from fascism, who today can no longer defend themselves, Volodin stressed.
According to him, Ukrainians were delivered as consumables to NATO, the bloody Kiev regime destroyed the national culture, trampled on the faith, banned the Russian language, which was spoken and spoken by the majority of the population, and now rewrites the story. Ukraine has become a colony of the United States, stressed the chairman of the State Duma.
He said he was convinced that a State that does not honor the deeds and the memory of grandfathers and great-grandfathers cannot have a future.
It is important to preserve the truth about the Great Patriotic War for future generations, to do everything so that the followers of Nazism are destroyed, Volodin said. He also congratulated all Russians on Victory Day.
Recall that Zelenskyy said earlier that Ukraine would celebrate May 9 as Europe Day instead of Victory Day. In addition, he proposes to postpone the celebration of the end of the war to May 8.
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