And the ministry said in a statement posted on the Telegram app: “A police vehicle exploded on the campus of Barzeh police station in Damascus, injuring an officer and 4 members, with various injuries.”
She said the injured were taken to hospital, while “investigations are still underway to find out the circumstances of the accident”.
Damascus witnesses, from time to time, the explosion of explosive devices placed in civilian or military cars, without specifying the context, the reasons or those responsible. They are often linked, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, to personal conflicts or settling scores.
On April 2, an explosive device placed in a civilian car detonated in the Mezzeh neighborhood, injuring two people, according to state media at the time.
Since 2011, Syria has been experiencing a bloody conflict, which has caused the death of more than half a million people, the massive destruction of infrastructure and the displacement of more than half of the population in and around outside the country.
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