Buenos Aires. Brazil’s highest federal court has threatened to block Telegram, the messenger critical of the authorities, for 72 hours unless it removes its statements.
Brazilian media gave this information. Reportedly on May 09, a message was posted on Telegram saying that democracy is under attack in Brazil, in which it referred to the fake news bill currently awaiting approval by the lower house of the Brazilian Congress. The report states that Telegram will have to remove the message and send it to the users of the channel where it was posted.
The comments in the message concerning Brazilian officials were blatant disinformation. If this message is not removed, the messenger will be blocked in the country for 72 hours, and the company will have to pay a fine of 500,000 Brazilian reals for every hour. He is ready to leave Brazil if the fake news bill is passed by the Brazilian government for the purpose of doing it.
The report states that on April 20, Brazilian authorities opened an administrative case against Telegram after the company failed to inform the government in due time about its mechanisms for detecting and moderating illegal content, including threats and hate speech. I failed. Subsequently, the messenger was banned for several days and fined one million Brazilian reals.
Inputs From: HT Tech
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