Doctor-therapist, leading specialist of the network of clinics “Semeynaya” Alexander Lavrishchev in an interview Gazete.RU listed the four most dangerous products in the country.
The specialist called greens the first and most important product. It itself is not poisonous, but bacteria that are dangerous to health can be on its surface, especially if the beds are watered from the central water supply system, where water enters without disinfection.
“Under no circumstances water the greenery with water from rivers, streams or other natural reservoirs of water!” Lavrishchev warned.
The doctor called fresh milk the second dangerous product. Many summer residents, according to the old tradition, continue to drink a glass of fresh milk, and also introduce their children to it, but they do not think about the danger that dangerous infections can be transmitted through this very milk. Some of them can even make a person disabled, in particular, joint diseases that remain for life.
The third dangerous product is mushrooms. Often our fellow citizens are poisoned by them in the summer, and the toxicological departments of hospitals every year receive patients with similar poisonings.
“To safely pick mushrooms, you need a skill developed by long repetitions, so if you have never picked mushrooms in the forest, you don’t even need to start,” the source said.
And, finally, the doctor called moonshine “from Baba Zina” the fourth dangerous product. Homemade alcoholic drinks are not only very strong for the body, but also have a great toxic effect on the liver. Moreover, they can contain dangerous impurities inside themselves, from which you can not only seriously get poisoned, but also die.
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