Football player Alexander Karakin, who had a serious accident on the night of May 12 while racing on the Minsk highway, died in hospital, the SHOT Telegram channel reported, citing a source.
It is noteworthy that the accident occurred at the 30th kilometer of the Minsk highway. At high speed, the 32-year-old crashed into a stopper, after which the car was thrown into the middle of the road. He was seriously injured, he was immediately transferred to intensive care, but could not be saved. Along with Karakin was an operator in the racing car, who was taken to hospital in serious condition. The sports car was badly damaged.
Races in these parts of the highway were held every Thursday. The site was not chosen by chance – a blind area without cameras. On Thursday, street runners occupied the gas station, paralyzing its work. Employees and drivers who, as a result, found themselves in a traffic jam at the entrance, have regularly complained to the competent authorities, added the Telegram channel.
Karakin played in the youth teams of Spartak and Dynamo Moscow, and in 2011 he made his debut for Khimki near Moscow.
Last year, the twin brother of supercar racing organizer Sergei Khitrov was arrested in Moscow. He admitted his guilt and repented, but he placed the responsibility for organizing the events on a relative.
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