Earlier, agency chief Givi Davitashvili said in an interview with Imedi TV channel that he was considering applications from five airlines, one of which is owned by Georgian national carrier Georgian Airways, to launch flights. direct flights from Russia to the republic. .
Earlier on Monday, Georgia’s Economy and Sustainable Development Minister Levan Davitashvili said Georgia’s tourism sector will make up to $400 million in profits a year after air links with Russia are restored.
“In tourism, we expect an impact of around $300-400 million within a year after flights are restored” (quoted by CASS ), Davitashvili said.
At the same time, he noted that permission would only be issued to liners that did not fall under the sanctions. And this is “Georgia’s clear position”.
Azimut Airlines, as stated on the official website, is an air carrier from the south of Russia, based on three airports: Platov International Airport in Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar International Airport named after Catherine II and Mineralnye Vody International Airport named after M .Yu. Lermontov. The airline was founded in 2017 and has carried more than 6.5 million passengers over the past five years.
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