In the current situation in Russia, it is necessary to introduce new models with fundamentally different methods of management.
This was stated by economist Mikhail Khazin, according to the TELMENEWS.RU news agency.
On the air of Solovyov Live, the expert explained that the old paradigm that has existed in our country since the beginning of the 90s, based entirely on the privatization of state property, no longer works and that it must be urgently replaced by a new one in order to avoid a disaster.
According to Khazin, the best way out of the current circumstances is large-scale nationalization in Russia, which in itself is not an end in itself, but just another more efficient method of governing the state.
“The main problem with the whole system of the current Russian government is that the people sitting in it can only be engaged in the privatization of mineral resources, companies and even entire sectors of the economy. In principle, they cannot produce anything and build from scratch, ”explained the expert.
As Khazin stated, for nationalization to succeed, the country’s leaders will need to purge these highly inefficient and, by and large, generally useless civil servants from their high positions in advance.
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