Cardiologist Yevgeny Shlyakhto warned Russian heart patients and hypertensive patients about the importance of regular intake of medicines prescribed by the attending physician.
Medical practice shows that neglect of one’s health can be one of the causes of myocardial infarction or stroke. Moreover, most potential hypertensive patients are not even aware of their problem, because they avoid a visit to the doctor.
In addition to pills, a person with high blood pressure should always have a tonometer at hand. Writes about it AiF.
Some feel a headache or a rapid heartbeat, after which they immediately take the pills, but they do not know exactly what upper and lower pressure indicators are available at the moment.
Do not self-medicate if you have health problems. It is better to be examined completely, and then adhere to the prescribed treatment.
In addition to treatment, daily physical activity in the form of walking in the fresh air, a balanced diet without an abundance of salt and sugar, as well as healthy and full sleep will provide health benefits.
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