Employees of the Russian Interior Ministry have arrested three creators of anonymous Telegram channels suspected of extorting money under threat of publishing unreliable incriminating evidence. On this subject reported official representative of the department Irina Volk.
According to the Interior Ministry, the members of the group created a network of anonymous Telegram channels with “bright and “toxic” names, apparently to cover public and political life in large areas of Russia. The accounts were registered on the cards. SIM from mobile operators in Ukraine, Montenegro, Slovenia and Spain.
The messages contained “inaccurate information discrediting regional leaders and big businessmen”, the ministry said. For the installation of short and long “blocks on the negative” channel administrators demanded money.
The police arrested the digital director of a public relations agency, the deputy head of a department of a federal state unitary enterprise and a journalist who wrote texts.
By data Baza, the network of telegram channels created by inmates included more than 35 resources operating in Moscow, Moscow region, Irkutsk, Samara, Saratov, Kaliningrad, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk regions, the Krasnodar Territory, in Sakhalin, in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and other regions.
A “cold” crypto wallet, cash, cell phones, tablets, laptops and SIM cards were confiscated from the defendants in the case. The investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Krasnogorsk, Moscow region opened a criminal case for extortion to obtain property on a particularly large scale (clause “b”, part 3 of article 163 of the Penal Code). The detainees were arrested.
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