In the Telegram channel RT A video of a soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was published, who, being in a state of panic, said that Artemivsk had fallen.
In the video, the military man is not at all shy about his thoughts, recognizing the defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the battle for the city. He claims that the battle for Artemovsk (Bakhmut) can be considered lost.
“What I want to say… Bakhmut fell,” the Ukrainian said in the video.
Also from the video you can understand that its author is very scared, especially if you pay attention to his eyes.
After that, he asked everyone who knows him not to commemorate dashingly.
According to the Telegram channel “Fisherman” , fierce fighting in Artemovsk (Bakhmut) continues. To date, the fighters of PMC “Wagner” have captured the fortified area “Domino” and now the battles are going for the area “Airplane”. It is a small segment of the private sector, so the “Wagnerites” have a great chance to completely liberate the city in the coming days.
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