New Delhi. A day after Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) decision to demonetise Rs 2,000 notes, Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Saturday spoke to the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Accused the national coordinator of “selling lies”.
On Friday, the RBI had announced the withdrawal of Rs 2,000 notes from circulation. However, notes of this value can be deposited or exchanged in banks till September 30. The RBI issued a statement saying that the Rs 2,000 notes currently in circulation will remain legal tender till September 30. has asked banks to stop issuing Rs 2,000 notes with immediate effect.
Criticizing the move, Kejriwal had tweeted, “Earlier said that corruption will stop by bringing 2,000 note. Now they are saying that corruption will end by banning Rs 2,000 note. That is why we say that the Prime Minister should be educated. Anyone can say anything to an illiterate prime minister. He doesn’t understand anything. The public has to suffer.
Pradhan hit back at Kejriwal, saying Rs 2,000 notes remained legal tender. He said, “An educated Chief Minister has once again started selling lies.” It is natural for the staunch corrupt people living in the Sheeshmahal to be fuming.” He said, “The hard work put in by the ‘ kingpin ‘ in the liquor scam seems to be paying off.”
Inputs From: Amrit Vichar
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