Bangalore. Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Wednesday said portfolios would be assigned to his ministers soon. The Bharatiya Janata Party had raised the issue of non-allotment of portfolios to the ministers in the assembly. Former Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai had questioned the delay in allocation of portfolios to the ministers, on which the Chief Minister assured the former Chief Minister in the House that this work would be done soon. Will happen.
Siddaramaiah and Congress state unit chief DK Shivakumar were sworn in as chief minister and deputy chief minister respectively on May 20. Along with these, eight MLAs have been given ministerial berths, but portfolios have not been allotted to them so far. The Chief Minister introduced his cabinet in the assembly. On this, Bommai said, ;;I am glad that the Chief Minister introduced the ministers in the House.
All of them have served as ministers in the past. Congratulations to the Chief Minister and all the Ministers… But it would have been better if the Chief Minister had made such an introduction that.. DK Shivakumar, he is the minister of this department, Mr. Parameshwara, he is the minister of this department. Bommai said, ;; Why didn’t this happen? This should be done soon. The sooner it happens in my opinion, the better.
Siddaramaiah assured them that it would be done soon. He also said that BJP leader BS Yeddyurappa had served as the sole member of the cabinet for some time.Bommai said,;; Yeddyurappa was administered the oath alone so he was alone. But in this case the ministers have taken oath. You made him a minister but did not assign responsibilities, what would people think.
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