“To be frank, as an experienced person, I have been present at the origin of many processes. So, I must tell you that our Eurasianism, the current EAEU began in the kitchen of President Putin. It is really arrived, he is present here. , he will confirm, ”the Belarusian leader.
According to him, the idea was good, although he himself was initially not too optimistic due to the processes that were already beginning in the post-Soviet space.
“The particularity of this moment was that Ukraine was with us at that time, recalls Lukashenka. We drew up no less than 28 documents with Ukraine.”
“Then Ukraine, as I thought, withdrew from this process,” he added.
Recall that the agreement on the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union was signed in May 2014. This association replaced the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), which existed since 2001.
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